Environment & Health | ISSN: 2077-7477 eISSN: 2077-7485 |
No: 1 (90) - March, 2019 - Pages: 61-68
Problem aspects of the state standardization of modern dwelling-houses with the flats of «SMART» type: state in Ukraine and foreign experience
Makhniuk V.M.1, Melnychenko S.O.1, Kostyliova V.A.2, Orlovska I.H.3
1 State Institution «O.M.Marzieiev Institute for Public Health, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine» 2 Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine 3 Ukraine Open International University of Human Development
ÓÄÊ: 613.5 : 728.222 : 351.778.5
Objective: We carried out a hygienic assessment of the design of the blocks of flats with one-room flats for one person's residence on a compliance with the domestic and foreign norms of sanitary and town-planning legislation. Methods: In the work, we applied theoretical and analytical methods and method of sanitary-and-epidemiological examination of construction designs. Results: The current sanitary and town-planning legislation of Ukraine and foreign experience, concerning the construction of modern dwelling-houses with one-room flat of «smart» type for the residence of one person, were analyzed in the course of research. There is no practice and relevant regulatory documents for a design of one-room flats of a small area for one person's residence in Ukraine. According to the results of research, hygienic recommendations were developed to ensure optimum living conditions, including: a compliance with the domestic hygienic standards: the duration of insolation and natural light; the allowable concentrations of the chemicals in the air; the allowable levels of temperature, humidity, air ionization, noise, vibration, ionizing, and non-ionizing radiation; the content of radon, aerosol, including aerosols of biological origin, in the indoor air; the allowable levels of the bacterial pollution of air and surfaces; ensuring the compliance with the regulatory parameters of microclimate and air quality in the living room by the delimitation of the kitchen area from the living area with a kitchen-niches device with a mechanical plenum-exhaust ventilation and only with electric stoves; ensuring the volume of living space at the level of domestic standards - 75 m3, while the height of the room should be at least 2.75 m; the provision of a necessary set of the rooms with an area of the living room - 18 m2, the corridor - 3.9 m2, the bathroom - 3.4 m2, the balcony / loggia - 4.5 m2 to increase the level of comfort. Conclusions: According to the results of scientific research, a sanitary-and-epidemiological component was developed for a design of «smart» flat, and a possibility for the standardization (normalization) of the area of one-room flats for the residence of one person was preliminary substantiated.
construction designs, modern residential buildings, flat of «smart» type, national and foreign state standards, sanitary-and-epidemiological living conditions.
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