Environment & Health | ISSN: 2077-7477 eISSN: 2077-7485 |
No: 1 (98) - 2021 - Pages: 49-60
Continuation of a labour activity atold age:
problems and solutions
Prokopenko N.O.1, e-mail: naprok@bigmir.net
1 D.F. Chebotariov Institute of Gerontology, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine
ÓÄÊ: 316.334.22:331.5-053.9 : 613.98
The demographic, legal, and social problems of the employment of older and elderly people in the professional and business sphere are dealt with in the article. It is shown, that in Germany, Russia, and Ukraine decline of the birth rates, started in early 60s of the last century, has led to a significant decrease in the potential replacement rate and the demographic support one. This fact, as well as a high mortality rate at the working age, became the main reasons for the reduction in the numbers of labour resources. Under these conditions, a use of the labour of the pensioners is one of possible strategies in the solution of the problem of labour resources. In this regard, the problems of pension legislation and labour one in relation to the elderly have been analysed. The urgent need of the formation of a new, positive image of old age in society is shown.
demographic aging, labour resources, labour potential, retirement age, older workers, age discrimination, labour legislation
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