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¹ 3 (112), 2024


Edition of the journal is supported partially by the grant of the Fogarty International Center (FIC) of the National Institute of Health and Illinois University, Chicago.


ISSN 2077-7477 (Print)
ISSN 2077-7485 (Online)

A journal "Dovkillia ta zdorovia" (Environment & Health) publishes the articles on the problems in the field of medical ecology, hygiene, health protection and ecological safety.

Founder of the Journal:
State Institution "O.M. Marzeiev Institute for Hygiene and Medical Ecology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine"

Frequency of publication:

Environment & HealthISSN: 2077-7477 eISSN: 2077-7485
No: 2 (103)   -   June, 2022   -   Pages: 32-41
Psychogygenic principles of using health-preserving technologies in modern institutions of higher education
Serheta I.V.1, Stoian N.V.1, Serebrennikova O.A.1, Drezhenkova I.L.1, Makarova O.I.1
1 National Pyrohov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsia

ÓÄÊ: 613.86 : 378.4

Objective: We established and scientifically substantiated the psychohygienic principles of using health-preserving technologies in modern institutions of higher education.

Materials and methods. The research was conducted on the basis of National Pyrohov Memorial Medical University. A well-structured set of highly informative modern hygienic, medical-sociological, psychophysiological and psychodiagnostic methods and methods of statistical analysis were used to adequately achieve this goal.

Results. The data obtained in the course of research indicate that as conceptual psychohygienic principles of effective use of health-preserving technologies in modern institutions of higher education should be noted: (1) regime-adaptive principle of application of psychohygienic components in the structure of modern health-preserving technologies, which determines the need to take into account the main regime elements of educational and extracurricular activities of students in specific conditions of the educational process, determining and constantly monitoring the level of educational adaptation and academic performance of students, especially in professionally oriented disciplines; (2) psychophysiological principle of application of psychohygienic components in the structure of modern health technologies, which is determined by the level of development of leading socially and professionally significant psychophysiological functions of the body of girls and boys; (3) personal principle of application of psychohygienic components in the structure of modern health technologies, which is related to the peculiarities of assessing the processes of formation of leading personality traits of student youth, which play an important role under the influence of both favorable and, above all, unfavorable educational factors. extracurricular activities; (4) integrative-functional principle of application of psychohygienic components in the structure of modern health technologies, which is determined by the presence of deep relationships between individual components of the functional state and adaptive capacity of young girls and young boys, which have a complex impact on health and theoreticaló- and, mainly, practically-significant components of students’ training.

Conclusions. In the course of the research the leading psychohygienic principles of using health-preserving technologies in modern modern institutions of higher education have been identified and scientifically substantiated.

students, institutions of higher education, health-preserving technologies, psychohygienic principles
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2. Polka N. S. and Serheta I. V. Aktualni problemy psykhohihiieny ditei i pidlitkiv: shliakhy ta perspektyvy yikh vyrishennia (ohliad literatury i vlasnykh doslidzhen) [Actual Problems of Mental Hygiene of Children and Adolescents: Ways and Prospects for Their Solution (Review of Literature and Own Research)]. Zhurnal NAMN Ukrainy. 2012 ;18(2) : 223-236 (in Ukrainian).
3. Serheta I. V., Bratkova O. Yu., Mostova O. P., Panchuk O. Yu., and Dudarenko O. B. Naukovi pryntsypy psykhohihiienichnoi diahnostyky stanu zdorovia ditei, pidlitkiv ta molodi [Scientific Principles of Psychohygienic Diagnostics of the Health of Children, Adolescents and Youth]. Dovkillia ta zdorovia (Environment and Health). 2012 ; 4 (64) : 21-22 (in Ukrainian).
4. Serheta I. V., Panchuk O. Yu., Stoian N. V., Drezhenkova I. L. and Makarov S. Yu. Universytetska hihiiena u konteksti implementatsii "Zakonu pro vyshchu osvitu": fizioloho-hihiienichni osnovy, realii ta shliakhy rozvytku [University Hygiene in the Context of the Implementation of the Law on Higher Education: Physiological and Hygienic Foundations, Realities and Ways of Development]. Dovkillia ta zdorovia (Environment and Health). 2016 ; 4 (80) : 46-52 (in Ukrainian).
5. Serdyuk A. M., Polka N. S. and Sergeta ². V. Psikhogigiyena detey i podrostkov. stradayushchikh khronicheskimi somaticheskimi zabolevaniyami [Psychohygiene of Children and Adolescents Suffering from Chronic Somatic Diseases]. Vinnitsa : Novaya kniga ; 2012 : 336 p. (in Russian).
6. Moroz V. M., Serebrennikova O. A., Serheta I. V. and Stoian N. V. Psykhofiziolohichni ta psykhohihiienichni osnovy efektyvnoho vykorystannia zdoroviazberihaiuchykh tekhnolohii u zakladakh vyshchoi osvity [Psychophysiological and Psychohygienic Foundations for the Effective Use of Health-Saving Technologies in Higher Education Institutions]. Vinnytsia : TVORY ; 2021 : 208 p. (in Ukrainian).
7. Serheta I. V., Panchuk O. Yu. and Yavorovskyi O. P. Hihiienichna diahnostyka profesiinoi prydatnosti studentiv zakladiv medychnoi osvity (na prykladi stomatolohichnykh spetsialnostei) [Hygienic Diagnostics of Professional Suitability of Students from Medical Education Institutions (on the Example of Dental Specialities)]. Vinnytsia : TVORY ; 2020 : 348 p. (in Ukrainian).
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12. Weier M. and Lee C. Stagnant or Successful, Carefree or Anxious? Australian University Students' Goals and Beliefs about Adulthood and Their Current Well-Being. Aust. Psychol. 2016 ; 51 : 422-430. DOI : https://doi.org/10.1111/ap.12169
13. Serheta I. V., Bardov V. H., Drezhenkova I. L. and Panchuk O. Yu. Hihiienichni normatyvy rukhovoi aktyvnosti studentiv zakladiv vyshchoi medychnoi osvity ta shliakhy yii optymizatsii [Hygienic Standards of Physical Activity of Students of Institutions of Higher Medical Education and Ways of its Optimization]. Vinnytsia : TVORY ; 2020 : 184 p. (in Ukrainian).
14. Serheta I. V. Donozolohichni zrushennia u stani psykhichnoho zdorovia: suchasni psykhohihiienichni pidkhody do tlumachennia, diahnostyky ta otsinky [Prenosological Shifts in the State of Mental Health: Modern Psychohygienic Approaches to Interpretation, Diagnosis and Evaluation]. Naukovyi zhurnal MOZ Ukrainy. 2013 ; 3(4) : 36-49 (in Ukrainian).
15. Tymoshchuk O.V., Polka N.S. and Serheta I.V. Naukovi osnovy kompleksnoi hihiienichnoi otsinky yakosti zhyttia ta adaptatsiinykh mozhlyvostei suchasnoi uchnivskoi i studentskoi molodi [Scientific Basis for a Comprehensive Hygienic Assessment of the Quality of Life and Adaptive Capacity of Students.]. Vinnytsia : TVORY ; 2020 : 272 p. (in Ukrainian).
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