Environment & Health | ISSN: 2077-7477 eISSN: 2077-7485 |
No: 1 (85) - March, 2018 - Pages: 36-40
Hygienic problems of water supply in Ternopil region
Lototska O.V.1, Kondratiuk V.A.1, Panychev V.O.1
1 Ternopil National ². Horbachevsky Medical University
Objective: We carried out a hygienic assessment of the state of domestic-and-drinking water supply in Ternopil oblast and analyzed a dynamics of drinking water quality from the sources of centralized and decentralized water supply over 2013-2016. Materials and methods: The analysis of state and quality of drinking water of centralized and decentralized water supply sources in Ternopil oblast was performed on the basis of the investigations conducted over the past years (2013-2016) within the framework of national monitoring of the quality of natural and drinking water. Results: In water supply, Ternopil oblast takes 15th place in Ukraine. Distribution of water resources across the territory of the region is uneven. The problem of drinking water quality was and remains extremely urgent in the oblast and is a serious threat to the health of the population. The quality of drinking water from the centralized water supply system is deteriorating due to the lack of sanitary protection zones, the unsatisfactory technical condition of water treatment plants and water supply networks, insufficient control and inefficiency of water treatment technologies, and low level of water provision per capita. The quality of drinking water in the sources of decentralized water supply in Ternopil oblast in terms of chemical and bacteriological indicators in recent years remains unsatisfactory and unstable. In order to improve the quality of drinking water in the sources of decentralized water supply in Ternopil oblast, it is proposed to strengthen monitoring of sources of water quality in the region, to create information centers for the processing and generalization of water quality data, and to increase the efficiency of water management, protection, and protection of water bodies from harmful anthropogenic influences.
water quality, centralized water supply, decentralized water supply
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