Environment & Health | ISSN: 2077-7477 eISSN: 2077-7485 |
No: 1 (85) - March, 2018 - Pages: 73-76
Peculiarities of mental efficiency and progress of higher grades students began studying at the age of six and seven
Miziuk M.I.1, Suslyk Z.B.1, Yeremchuk Ya.O.1
1 Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
Parameters of mental efficiency dynamics are the most informative criteria of the adaptation of child's organism to the educational load. Objective: We established the peculiarities of mental efficiency and progress of higher grades students at secondary schools in comparison aspect among the students began studying at the age of six and seven. Materials and methods: The research was carried out among 937 students, started studying at the age of six and 263 students started studying at the age of seven, depending on gender (girls, boys), grade (9th, 10th, 11th), place of residence (city, village) and the Prykarpattia’s zone (mountain, foothill, plain, Ivano-Frankivsk city). Assessment of mental efficiency in the senior students was carried out by the results of corrective test according to Anfimov’s tables before and after the lessons. Results: A higher level (p <0,05) of mental efficiency was observed in the students started studying at the age of six, namely by the parameters of the number of revised symbols, the number of correct actions, the number of errors, the coefficient of the efficiency in the 11th grade; number of revised symbols in the mountain zone, in Ivano-Frankivsk city; according to the number of missed symbols in the plain zone before the lessons and to the number of revised symbols and the number of correct actions after the lessons in Ivano-Frankivsk city. There are no significant differences in the dynamics of the parameters during the school day in the students by gender, place of residence, and zones of the Carpathian region. The progress of the students in Ukrainian, algebra, geometry and the average score are significantly higher among the children began studying at the age of six, namely in Ukrainian, algebra - in girls, in Ukrainian, algebra, geometry - in boys; in Ukrainian, algebra, geometry in the 9-th grade; in Ukrainian, algebra, geometry in the 10-th grade; in Ukrainian, algebra, geometry and average score – among the urban students; in algebra, geometry –among the rural students; in Ukrainian, algebra, geometry and average score –among the students of Ivano-Frankivsk city.
students, mental efficiency, progress
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