Environment & Health | ISSN: 2077-7477 eISSN: 2077-7485 |
No: 1 (85) - March, 2018 - Pages: 57-57
The fighter with iodine deficiency. To the 80-th anniversary Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ęîrzun Vitaliy Naumovich.
Staff of the State Institution "O.M.Marzieiev Institute for Public Health, NAMSU", Editorial Board of the Journal "Environment and Health"
Vitalii Naumovych Korzun, scientist-radiologist and doctor-hygienist, is known in the world by his developments of the preparations and dietary additions for the protection of the assimilation of radionuclides and their accelerated removal from the organism. He was the first to propose a number of natural and chemical compounds and their complexes that decreased the accumulation of cesium by 95-97% and strontium by 88-90% in the organism of the animals at long-duration intake (2 years) of radionuclides with the food. On the basis of his investigations, the Pharmaceutical Committee approved the preparation “Ferocin” as an antidote of radioactive cesium. This sorbent with another names (“Radiogordaza”, “Ferrocyanic resin”) was produced in Germany, Japan, Czechoslovakia, China and used after the accidents in Brazil, Ukraine, and Japan.