Environment & Health | ISSN: 2077-7477 eISSN: 2077-7485 |
No: 2 (95) - June, 2020 - Pages: 64-70
Personalized medicine as a basis for occupational diseases prevention
Piatnytsia-Horpynchenko N.K.1
1 Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University, Kyiv
ÓÄÊ: 613.6: 614.8
Objective: We summarized the results of published research papers related to the development of the main areas of personalized medicine in health care practice, including occupational medicine and definied the prior issues that dictate the need for further study. Materials and methods: We performed the analysis of literary data on the use of personalized medicine for the prevention of the occupational diseases.
Results: The personalized medicine was established to be a relatively new promising direction for the further development of medical science, its main task is to create an optimum model of the health care system in order to preserve the health of the working-age population. At the present stage of scientific and technological progress development, the crucial in the implementation of the basic principles of personalized medicine (prognostic, personalized, preventive and partner), as an integrative modeling system, is given to the development of information support and molecular genetic methods for the study of public health for the purpose of early detection, prevention and treatment of diseases.
Conclusions: Despite the prospect of using the concept of personalized medicine in the health care system, the domestic information and organizational, regulatory and legal (medical in some cases) base is significantly behind the needs of modern times, which makes it difficult to implement this direction in practice. However, over many years of scientific research in domestic occupational medicine, a fundamental basis has been formed for the further development of the personalized approach to the prevention of health disorders amongworkers. Nowadays some progress is being observed in the field of the search for biomarkers for early diagnosis and prevention of the formation of chronic occupational and work-related pathology, the Register of the Occupational Diseases of Ukraine has been substantiated, the methodology for the assessment and management of occupational risks is being improved, in particular, quantitative assessment of the potential and real danger of work-related exposure which is the basis for the real prevention of occupational pathology as a part of individual approach to the patient. Taking into account the current realities, the solution of the problem of the health preservation in the working requires a comprehensive approach with the involvement of the specialists in various fields: hygienists, occupational therapists, medical geneticists, specialists in the field of information technology, health care organizers.
personalized medicine, biomarkers, information technologies, occupational risk
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