Environment & Health | ISSN: 2077-7477 eISSN: 2077-7485 |
No: 4 (84) - 2017 - Pages: 62-67
Modern problems of occupational pathology in Ukraine
Arustamian O.M.1, Tkachyshyn V.S.1, Kondratiuk V.Ye.1, Korzh A.V.2, Aleksiichuk O.Yu.1
1 O.O. Bohomolets National Medical University, Kyiv 2 SI «Specilaized Medico-Sanitary Department ¹ 18, Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine»
ÓÄÊ: 613.6
The AIS "occupational morbidity" automated system functions for accounting and analysis of the occupational diseases in Ukraine. It is implementing by the Institute of Labour Medicine of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, as well as the Ukrainian Research Institute of Industrial Medicine, for the institutions of the State Labour Service and the State Food Consumer Service. The annual registration of the cases of newly diagnosed occupational diseases is carried out with the help of automated accounting system. The occupational-and-pathological departments were organized in the regional centers and large cities of the country on the basis of the regional clinical hospitals and specialized research institutes. The doctors of occupational pathology are working there. The treatment-and-prophylactic institutions, specialized in occupational pathology, were established, they were granted the right to finalize the diagnosis of occupational diseases (occupational intoxications). The Central Medical Expert Commission is functioning on the basis of the Institute of Labour Medicine, Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine. It examines the most complex cases of diagnosis of the occupational diseases. A weighty component of the regulatory framework on the occupational pathology is a statute and the orders of the Social Insurance Fund against Occupational Accidents at the Facilities and Occupational Diseases of Ukraine. In general, the structure of the occupational morbidity in Ukraine for the last 10-12 years is mainly determined by chronic diseases (up to 95%) with a small number of chronic intoxications and acute forms of pathology. The completeness and quality of the performance of preliminary and periodic medical examinations of the employees is an important prerequisite for a clear organization of the entire labour protection system. There is a need to seek the ways for the improvement of the control over the state of occupational morbidity in Ukraine. Ministries and departments, management structures of all levels should carry out a constant monitoring of the compliance with the sanitary legislation both in the process of the operation of the existing enterprises and in the design of the new ones, the introduction of new technologies, providing for their safety. The system of the occupational pathology detection at the country's enterprises requires a significant improvement both in terms of the completeness of the scope by periodic medical examinations and in the improvement of their quality (participation of specialized doctors, carrying out of necessary functional, laboratory, in particular biochemical, research).
occupational pathology, occupational diseases, occupational pathology in Ukraine, State Service for Labor, labor protection
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