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¹ 3 (112), 2024


Edition of the journal is supported partially by the grant of the Fogarty International Center (FIC) of the National Institute of Health and Illinois University, Chicago.


ISSN 2077-7477 (Print)
ISSN 2077-7485 (Online)

A journal "Dovkillia ta zdorovia" (Environment & Health) publishes the articles on the problems in the field of medical ecology, hygiene, health protection and ecological safety.

Founder of the Journal:
State Institution "O.M. Marzeiev Institute for Hygiene and Medical Ecology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine"

Frequency of publication:

Environment & HealthISSN: 2077-7477 eISSN: 2077-7485
No: 4 (84)   -   2017   -   Pages: 73-77
The determination of the main factors affecting the choice of children’s clothes by the parents and duration of the use of every layer of clothes for a day
Platonova A.H.1, Yatskovska N.Ya.1, Shkarban K.S.1, Saienko H.M.1
1 State Institution "O.M. Marz³eiev Institute for Public Health of the NAMSU"

ÓÄÊ: 613.95 : 613.48

Background: The emergence of the new fabrics and widening of the assortment of children’s clothes needs the improvement of the methodological approaches and widening of the list of the indicators using for the hygienic assessment of textile products. Both the investigations of the qualities of goods and obtaining of the objective information from the customers about the most significant issues regarding the choice and exploitation of children’s goods play an important role in the solution of the wide spectrum of the tasks connected with the formation of the complex of the indicators for hygienic assessment of nonfood items.

Objective: We determined the main factors affecting a choice of the parents of the children’s clothes of different functional purposes and the duration of the use of every layer of children’s clothes throughout the day.

Materials and methods: We performed the questionnaire survey of the parents of 180 children aged 1-17 years. The analysis of the results was carried out taking into account the age periodization of children’s development. The results were calculated in Excel electronic tables with the help of the methods of variation statistics.

Results: Performed questionnaire survey shows that over two- third of interviewed parents buy the children's clothes more than 4 times a year. The majority of the parents buy clothes in the hypermarkets and the stores with specialized departments. At the same time 41.67 % of the families buy clothes in the Internet-shops and 45.00 % of the children wear clothes bought from private persons at the market. More than two-third of parents prefer domestic manufacturer of children’s clothes. The majority of the respondents regard the synthetic fibers in the first layer of children’s clothes negatively. The main factors affecting the choice of the parents, when buying clothes, were quality, outward, safety for health, fabric structure and price. The average duration of the wearing of the first layer of clothes makes up 7.22 -10.45 hours in a day. And duration of the wearing of the first layer of clothes by the children is authentically longer in comparison with the duration of wearing of the second layer of clothes (on the average by 1.5 fold) and in comparison with duration of wearing of the third layer of clothes(on the average by 2.7 fold).

children’s clothes, parents’ priorities, using duration for a day, children of different ages
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