Environment & Health | ISSN: 2077-7477 eISSN: 2077-7485 |
No: 2 (91) - June, 2019 - Pages: 70-73
On the state of the fulfilment of the who’ international health regulations (2005) and the ways
of its improvement
Serdiuk À.Ì.1, Golubiatnikov N.I.2, Rudnytska Î.P.1, Davydenko H.M.1
1 State Institution "O.M. Marz³eiev Institute for Public Health of the NAMSU" 2 Odesa National Medical University
ÓÄÊ: 614.4 (094.2)
A state of the fulfilment of the WHO international medico-sanitary rules requirements “International Health Regulations” (IHR, 2005) in the sphere of the functioning of the competent medico-sanitary body in the sea ports and international airports of Ukraine in the points of entry has been analyzed in the article. We have demonstrated that the Order of the Ministry of Public Health “On the reorganization by means of the addition of state institutions”, 01.02.2019 ¹ 264 violated a single system of epidemiological supervision. In case of its fulfillment, the system will not comply with the international standard approaches to the issues of the organization of national system of sanitary protection of state border and will not solve the tasks of the international importance for the prevention of infectious diseases bringing. We have substantiated a necessity of the creation of a single Center for biological safety under the authority of the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine according to the international standards by the example of the developed countries. The Center will carry out the practical and sanitary activities in the sphere of biosafety and sanitary protection as a part of state policy.
public health, national system of epidemiological supervision, international health regulations, points of entry