Environment & Health | ISSN: 2077-7477 eISSN: 2077-7485 |
No: 3 (79) - 2016 - Pages: 50-55
Preconditions of the formation of the children’s and adolescents’ hygiene as a branch of medical science and practice in Ukraine
Stasiuk L.A.1
1 O.O. Bohomolets National Medical University, Kyiv
ÓÄÊ: 378.661(477-25)
Objective: to investigate preconditions of formation of hygiene of children and adolescents as a brunch of medical science and practice in Ukraine. Materials and methods: archival data, bibliographic, analytic, and descriptive methods. Data: The retrospective analysis of historical pre-conditions of hygiene of children and adolescents origin as a branch of medical science and practice is conducted. The basic stages of hygiene of childhood development, features of forming of her foundation in Ukraine are presented. The role of zemskaya medicine in becoming of research and practice bases of hygiene of children and adolescents is determined. Findings: 1.Hygiene of children and teenagers, like every science, has developed in parallel with the development of society, according to his social needs and demands and, as a social phenomenon adequately with the ethical norms of the era. 2. The development of school hygiene in Ukraine has its own national roots and traditions that require further study. 3. Each step in the democratization of society gives rise to the initiation and implementation of advanced forms of medicine: due to activity of Zemskaya medicine the preventive direction not only becoming an integral part of it, but also develops as a leading. Social institutions at the state level were created at that time; they summarized the experience of doctors, introduced preventive measures and controlled their implementation. 4. Development of the preventive direction in medicine due to activity of zemskaya medicine has created the necessary theoretical and practical basis for the allocation of hygiene of children and adolescents in an independent branch of medical science and practice.
hygiene of childhood, hygiene of children and adolescents, zemskaya medicine, preventive folk medicine.
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