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¹ 3 (112), 2024


Edition of the journal is supported partially by the grant of the Fogarty International Center (FIC) of the National Institute of Health and Illinois University, Chicago.


ISSN 2077-7477 (Print)
ISSN 2077-7485 (Online)

A journal "Dovkillia ta zdorovia" (Environment & Health) publishes the articles on the problems in the field of medical ecology, hygiene, health protection and ecological safety.

Founder of the Journal:
State Institution "O.M. Marzeiev Institute for Hygiene and Medical Ecology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine"

Frequency of publication:

Environment & HealthISSN: 2077-7477 eISSN: 2077-7485
No: 3 (96)   -   September, 2020   -   Pages: 48-54
About radiocarbon in environmental researches in Ukraine
Buzynnyi M.G.1
1 State Institution "O.M. Marz³eiev Institute for Public Health of the NAMSU"

The article presents the analysis of main directions of the application of radiocarbon studies in Ukraine for various ecological tasks: CO2 emissions both nuclear power plants and thermal power plants, spatial distribution of CO2 due to transport emissions, radioactive graphite and environment, balance of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. The studies referred to the operation and emergency conditions of nuclear energy facilities, various directions, and the application of appropriate methodological developments. There is a short information on the main results, problems, and prospects. A prominence has been given some theoretical and methodological issues.

ecology, radiocarbon, 14C, NPP, TPP, transport, CO2 emissions, fossil fuel
1. Sobotovich E.V., Kovalyukh N.N. and Chebanenko S.I. Dendroradioekologiya v zone vliyaniya Chernobylskoy AES[Dendroradioecology in a Zone of the Influence of the Chernobyl NPP]. In : Printsipy i metody landshaftno-geokhimicheskikh issledovaniy migratsii radionuklidov: sb. tez. vsesoyuzn. Soveshch [Principles and Methods of Landscape and Geochemical Studies of Radionuclide Migration: Coll. Thesis. All-Union Conf.]. Ìoscow ; 1989 : 125 (in Russian).
2. Kovalyukh N.N. and Skripkin V.V. Khimicheskaya podgotovka obraztsov dlya radioekologicheskikh issledovaniy radiougleroda [Chemical Preparation of Samples for Radioecological Studies of Radiocarbon]. In : Radioizotopy v ekologicheskikh issledovaniyakh : sb. nauch. tr. [Radioisotopes in the Environmental Studies: Coll. Sci. Works]. Kiev : Naukova dumka; 1992 : 93 – 101(in Russian).
3. Buzynnyy M.G., Zelenskiy A.V., Kovalyukh N.N., Skripkin V.V. and Sanin E.V. Retrospektivnoye vosstanovleniye urovnya avariynogo vybrosa 14S v atmosferu vsledstviye avarii na Chernobylskoy AES [Retrospective Restoration of the Level of Emergency Emission of 14Ñ into the Atmosphere Due to the Accident at the Chernobyl NPP]. In : Aktualnyye voprosy retrospektivnoy. tekushchey i prognoznoy dozimetrii oblucheniya v rezultate Chernobylskoy avarii: mater. nauch. konf. [Issues of Retrospective,Current and Forecast Radiation Dosimetry as a Result of the Accident at the Chernobyl NPP : Proc. Sci.Conf.]. Kiev ; 1993 : 118– 124(in Russian).
4. Buzynnyy M.G., Los I.P., Zelenskiy A.V., Kovalyukh N.N. and Skripkin V.V. O vozmozhnoy korrelyatsii urovney C-14 v rastitelnosti s I-131 v shchitovidnoy zheleze posle avarii na ChAES [On a Possible Correlation of C-14 Levels in Vegetation with I-131 in the Thyroid Gland after the Accident at the ChNPP]. In : Aktualnyye problemy likvidatsii meditsinskikh posledstviy avarii na Chernobylskoy AES: tez. nauch.-prakt. konf. [CurrentProblems of the Elimination of the Medical Consequences of the Accidentat the Chernobyl NPP: Thesis of the Sci.-Pract.Conf. ]. Kiev ; 1993; 1 : 48 – 49 (in Russian).
5. Kovalyukh N., Skripkin V., Sobotovich E., Buzinny M.and Sanin E. Radiocarbon of Accidental Release of Chernobyl NPP in Annual Tree Rings. Geochronometria. 1994 ;10 :217–224.
6. Zelenskiy A.V. and Buzynnyy M.G. Energeticheskaya kalibrovka zhidkostno-stsintillyatsionnogo beta-spektrometra [Energy Calibration of a Liquid Scintillation Beta Spectrometer]. In : Aktualnyye problemy likvidatsii meditsinskikh posledstviy avarii na Chernobylskoy AES : tezisy nauchno-prakt. konf. [Current Problems of the Elimination of the Medical Consequences of the Accident at the Chernobyl NPP: Thesis of the Sci.-Pract.Conf.]. Kiev ; 1993 ; I : 126 (in Russian).
7. Buzinny M., Kovaliukh N., Los I.a nd Skripkin V. Radiocarbon Releases of Zaporozhye NPP. Geochronology and Dendrochronology of Old Town’s and Radiocarbon Dating of Archaeological Findings: Proc. Conf. Vilnius (Lituva): Vilnius University Press ; 1994 : 7-12.
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9. Buzinny M., Kovalyukh N., Likhtarjov I., Los I., Nesvetajlo V., Pazdur M. and Sobotovich E. Ecological Chronology of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Sites. Radiocarbon.1995 ; 37(2) : 469-473. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033822200030940
10. Buzinny M. and Skripkin V. Newly Designed 0.8-ML Teflon® Vial for Microvolume Radiocarbon Dating. Radiocarbon. 1995 ; 37(2) : 743-747. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033822200031283
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12. Kovaliukh N., Skripkin V. and Van Der Plicht J. 14C Cycle in the Hot Zone Around Chernobyl. Radiocarbon. 1997 ; 40(1) : 391-397. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033822200018270
13. Skripkin V. and Kovaliukh N. Recent Developments in the Procedures Used at the Sscer Laboratory for the Routine Preparation of Lithium Carbide. Radiocarbon. 1997 ; 40(1) : 211-214. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0033822200018063
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15. Buzynnyi M.H. and Talerko M.M. Shtatni vykydy Chornobylskoi AES [Chornobyl NPP Emissions ]. In : Hihiiena naselenykh mists : zb.nayk. ðr. [Hygiene of Settlements : Sci. Works Coll.]. Kyiv ; 2000 ; 36 (1) : 234 – 242 (in Ukrainian).
16. Buzynnyi M.H. and Talerko M.M. Retrospektyvni doslidzhennia radiovuhletsiu Chornobylskoho avariinoho vykydu [Retrospective Studies of Radiocarbon Emissions of the Chornobyl Accident]. In : Hihiiena naselenykh mists: zb. nayk. ðr. [Hygiene of Settlements : Sci. Works Coll.]. Kyiv ; 2000 ; 36 (1) : 246–260 (in Ukrainian).
17. Buzinny M. Radioactive Graphite Dispersion in the Environment in the Vicinity of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Radiocarbon. 2006 ; 48(3) : 451 - 458. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S003382220003887X
18. Buzynnyi M. And Skrypkin V. Doslidzhennia radioaktyvnoho hrafitu u lisovii pidstyltsi [Investigation of Radioactive Graphite in Forest Floor]. Dovkillia ta zdorovia (Environment&Health). 2018 ; 3(88) : 71-74. (in Ukrainian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.32402/dovkil2018.03.071
19. Buzynnyi Ì.G. Urovni vybrosov radiougleroda obyektov yadernogo toplivno-energeticheskogo kompleksa na territorii byvshego SSSR [Radiocarbon Emission Levels of Nuclear Fuel and Energy Facilities in the Former USSR]. In : Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Instytutu yadernykh doslidzhen [Proceedings of the Institute of Nuclear Research]. Kyiv ; 2003 ; 1 (9) : 110 – 119 (in Russian).
20. Buzynnyi Ì.G. Osoblyvosti rozpodilu radiovuhletsiu u fraktsiiakh derevyny ostannoho storichchia [Features of Radiocarbon Distribution in Wood Fractions of the Last Century]. In : Hihiiena naselenykh mists : zb. nauk. pr. [Hygiene of Settlements : Sci. Works Coll.]. Kyiv ; 2013 ; 61 : 254-258. (in Ukrainian). URL: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/gnm_2013_61_42
21. Buzynnyi M.H., Mykhailova L.L., Romanchenko M.O., Chyrkov V.S. and Sakhno V.I. Äî ïèòàííÿ ðåòðîñïåêòèâíîãî äîñë³äæåííÿ 14Ñ â àòìîñôåð³. Do pytannia retrospektyvnoho doslidzhennia 14S v atmosferi[To the Issue of a Retrospective Study of 14C in the Atmosphere]. Dovkillia ta zdorovia (Environment&Health). 2014 ; 3 : 43-46. (in Ukrainian). URL: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/dtz_2014_3_10
22. Buzynnyi M.H., Hulenko S.V., Mykhailova L.L., Romanchenko M.O. and Sakhno V.I. Radiovuhlets yak marker suchasnykh antropohennykh zmin v dovkilli [Radiocarbon as a Marker of Modern Anthropogenic Changes in the Environment]. In : Hihiiena naselenykh mists : zb. nauk. pr. [Hygiene of Settlements : Sci. Works Coll.]. Kyiv ; 2014 ; 63 : 200 – 207 (in Ukrainian).
23. Buzynnyi M.H., Hulenko S.V., Romanchenko M.O., Chyrkov V.S., Mykhailova L.L. and Sakhno V.I. Rozpodil radiovuhletsiu v travi poblyzu avtomahistralei [Radiocarbon Distributin in Grass near Highways]. In : Hihiiena naselenykh mists : zb. nauk. pr. [Hygiene of Settlements : Sci. Works Coll.]. Kyiv ; 2015 ; 66 : 168 - 175. (in Ukrainian). URL: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/gnm_2015_66_27
24. Skripkin V.V. and Buzynnyi M.G. Teflon Vials For Precise C-14 in Benzene Measurements by LSC. Technique Biological and Chemical Research. 2017 ; 4 (9) : 229-233. URL: http://www.ss-pub.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/BCR2017052201.pdf
25. Zlobenko B., Fedorenko Y., Yatcenko V., Shabalin B. And Skripkin V. Investigation on Conversion of I-graphite fromDecommissioning of Chernobyl NPP into a Stable Waste FormAcceptable for Long Term Storage and Disposal. IAEA-TECDOC-1790: Report. Vienna : IAEA ; 2016 : 15 p.
26. Buzynnyi M. Pidkhid do otsinky vidsotkovoi chastky orhanichnoi fraktsii u palyvi z vidkhodiv na osnovi tekhnolohii syntezu benzolu ta RSL radio vuhletsiu [Approach to the Estimation of Percentage of Organic Fraction in Fuel from Waste on the Basis of Technology of Synthesis of Benzene and RSL of Radiocarbon]. In : Aktualni pytannia hihiieny ta ekolohichnoi bezpeky Ukrainy (trynadtsiati marzieievski chytannia) : zb. tez nauk.- pr. konf. [Current Issues of Hygiene and Ecological Safety of Ukraine (The Thirteenth Marzieiev’s Reading) : Sci.-Pract.Conf. Thesis Coll. ]. Kyiv ; 2017 ; 17 : 149 – 150 (in Ukrainian).
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