Environment & Health | ISSN: 2077-7477 eISSN: 2077-7485 |
No: 3 (96) - September, 2020 - Pages: 54-59
The impact of direct and indirect indicator parameters of architecturaland-planning decisions of the institutions of secondary education on psychoemotional state and health of primary school age pupils
Pavlenko N. P.1, Makhniuk V. M.1, Voloshchuk O.V.1
1 State Institution "O.M. Marz³eiev Institute for Public Health of the NAMSU"
Îbjective: We improved the hygienic criteria to ensure optimal conditions, training, and preservation of the health of primary school age pupils, which are common for the assessment of architectural-and-planning decisions of urban and rural secondary schools in accord with modern town-planning and sanitary legislation.
Materials and methods: We applied bibliosemantic, analytical methods, method of sanitary-and-epidemiological examination of construction projects, sociological, instrumental and medico-statistical ones using StatSoft STATISTICA (v.5.5) application packages, Excel.
Results: The exceeding 1.8-2.3 times the number of the actual studies that do not meet the standards for natural light and noise in urban secondary schools in comparison with the rural secondary schools, is due to the dense town-planning situation. The results of the survey of the parents of the pupils in grades 1-4 on the impact of dense school conditions of secondary schools on the indirect parameters of architectural-and-planning decisions showed that in case of insufficient space of the school room, a poor well-being was registered in 26.3% of pupils (rS <0.78), impairment of working capacity was noted in 18.75% of schoolchildren (rS <0.88).The presence of numerous interrelations between direct parameters of architectural-and-planning decisions (the intraschool space is formed according to them) and the pathological affection of urban schools’ pupils was determined.
Conclusions: The occupational diseases in primary school age pupils are caused by direct and indirect impact of the parameters of architectural-and-planning decisions and hygienic provision of optimal conditions at urban and rural educational institutions by the improvement of the design of new and reconstruction of existing schools according to the hygienic criteria. We have developed a set of preventive measures to prevent these diseases.
general secondary education schools, architectural and planning decisions of schools, children of primary school age.
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