Environment & Health | ISSN: 2077-7477 eISSN: 2077-7485 |
No: 4 (80) - 2016 - Pages: 57-61
Functional condition of cardiovascular system of medical university admitted students
Kovaliv Ì.Î.1, Plastunov B.À.1
1 Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Lviv
ÓÄÊ: 612.13/.17:616-057.87
Objective. We studied the functional condition of cardiovascular system and its relationship to gender, age, place of permanent residence, nutritional status, including iodine and vitamin C supply, and lead exposure of the students admitted to the Medical University.
Materials and methods. Commonly accepted hemodynamic parameters at rest and after functional Martin-Kushelevsky test, body mass index, excretion of vitamin C and iodine with urine as indicators of energetic, vitamin and micronutrient components of nutritional status and content of δ-aminolevulinic acid in the urine as a biomarker of lead exposure were investigated in 212 girls and 78 boys 16-18 years of age at the beginning of the academic year.
Results. The functional condition of cardiovascular system of the admitted students was determined to have age and gender differences, increasing with age; it was characterized by a tendency to tachycardia, rarely to prehypertension and hypotension, domination of sympathicotonia, signs of functional weakness of the myocardium on the background of normotonic inotropic response to functional test in the majority of students. The chronotropic response of the cardiovascular system to load, its poor functional status and tension of adaptation, especially in young men, were established in 24% of boys and 27% of girls. It indicates a lack of their physical training and requires the improvement of the functional status by means of physical education and sport. The chronotropic response and tension of adaptation were registered more often in the young men, residents of large cities, under the worst hemodynamic parameters after functional test than in the rural youths who have a higher level of motor activity. Some parameters of the functional condition of cardiovascular system in admitted students were connected with their nutritional status and lead exposure; it should be taken into account in the correction of the students’ nutrition.
students, cardiovascular system, nutrition, lead
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