Environment & Health | ISSN: 2077-7477 eISSN: 2077-7485 |
No: 4 (80) - 2016 - Pages: 75-79
Some issues of the development of public health in Ukraine
Hushchuk I.V.1
1 "Ostroh Academy" National University, Ostroh
ÓÄÊ: 614
Objective. Analysis of the current state of the development of public health in Ukraine.
Materials and methods. In research we used the statistical reports on the state of health of the population of Ukraine, indices of the activity of national public health system, conceptual documents on its reformation and regulatory framework of the documents of international and regional organizations, publications on the experience of the prevention of infectious and non- infectious diseases in other countries with the operating system of public health. We used the following methods: bibliographical, historical, analytical, comparative, and systematic ones.
Results. Central place in the European strategic plan "Health-2020: Fundamentals of European Policy in Support of Actions of the State and Society in the Interests of Health and Well-Being" is given to the population health protection. The current state of health of the Ukrainian population (according to the data of the WHO Regional Office for Europe) is characterized by the very high rates of morbidity and mortality, low life expectancy, lack of the opportunities to receive an appropriate medical care.
Conclusions. The situation in the sphere of public health at the state level assumes an extraordinary character and brings a threat to the national security which is complicated by the lack of conscious attitude of the citizens to the need of the introduction of a healthy lifestyle. With this provision a health care system concentrates its attention on the treatment and doesn’t almost give consideration for the prevention of diseases.
health, man, incidence, prevention, public health systems.
1. Rezoliutsiia «kruhloho stolu»: «Rozvytok systemy hromadskoho zdorovia v Ukraini» 22.04.2016 (Komitet okhorony zdorovia Verkhovnoi Rady Ukrainy) [Resolution of “Round Table”: “Development of the System of Public Health in Ukraine”, April 22, 2016 (Committee for Public Health Protection of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine)]. in Ukrainian). Available at : ( https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_Q9xEu1XckzbFdOblFhbmNTTGs/view
2. Hushchuk I.V. Mystetstvo likuvannia. 2016 ; 1-2 : 28-30 (in Ukrainian).
5. Hushchuk I.V. Do pytannia kadrovoho zabezpechennia systemy okhorony hromadskoho zdorovia [On the Issue of Staff Ensuring of the Public Health Protection System]. In : Derzhavne upravlinnia liudskymy resursamy u sferi okhorony zdorovia v Ukraini : materialy konferentsii [State Management of Human Resources in the Sphere of Public Health Protection in Ukraine : Proceedings of the Conference ]. Kyiv ; 2016 : 52-54 (in Ukrainian).