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¹ 3 (112), 2024


Edition of the journal is supported partially by the grant of the Fogarty International Center (FIC) of the National Institute of Health and Illinois University, Chicago.


ISSN 2077-7477 (Print)
ISSN 2077-7485 (Online)

A journal "Dovkillia ta zdorovia" (Environment & Health) publishes the articles on the problems in the field of medical ecology, hygiene, health protection and ecological safety.

Founder of the Journal:
State Institution "O.M. Marzeiev Institute for Hygiene and Medical Ecology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine"

Frequency of publication:

Environment & HealthISSN: 2077-7477 eISSN: 2077-7485
No: 3 (79)   -   2016   -   Pages: 60-67
Features of work conditions and their impact on health of the workers in light industry
Lototska-Dudyk U.B.1, Krupka N.O.1
1 Danylo Halytskyi National Medical University, Lviv

ÓÄÊ: 613.6:687

Objective. We generalized the data on the features of work conditions and occupational traumatism in different branches of light industry and studied their impact on the state of health and the formation of the occupationally stipulated pathology in the workers.
Materials and methods. We used the results of the study of physical and chemical factors at the enterprises of light industry in the Lviv Region, scientific publications, statistical information.
Results. The workers of the majority of professions in light industry are affected a complex of production factors. Elevated levels of noise and vibration, electromagnetic radiation, unfavorable microclimate, forced working pose and increased visual tension at the performance of the technological operations have a dominant hygienic importance. A carcinogenic factor exposure at the working places makes up from 16 (shoe industry) to 33 (textile production).
Diseases of respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous and musculoskeletal systems prevail in the morbidity structure with a temporal loss of capacity. Vertebral pathology, disorders of the function of acoustic analyzer, allergic diseases, including bronchial asthma, oncologic diseases are occupationally caused ones.
A considerable part of the factors of the production environment in light industry demonstrates the properties of reproductive toxicants and negatively affects the fertile potential of the workers, where the women makes up 86.35% (sewing industry) – 62.1% (fur production). The deviations of reproductive health are exhibited by the disorders of menstrual cycle, genital inflammatory diseases, pathology of pregnancy and labor.
A share of occupational morbidity in light industry makes up 0.3-0.4 in the structure of general occupational morbidity. There is a positive tendency to a decline of traumatism in industry (a decrease of 3.8 times for 2012 in comparison with 2008), which, however, remains high among the European countries.
Study of the features of the work conditions in light industry at modern organization of production and estimation of the state of health of the workers in industry are a basis for the establishment of the regularities of the formation of the complex of the professional factors, the cause - consequence relationships between the factors of production environment and the indices of the state of health of the workers and development of the system of prophylactic measures for the improvement of work conditions and preservation of health of the workers.

light industry, work conditions, factors of production environment, occupational traumatism, state of health of the workers.
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