Environment & Health | ISSN: 2077-7477 eISSN: 2077-7485 |
No: 2 (107) - MAY, 2023 - Pages: 30-39
Peculiarities of information and analytical support in conducting epidemiological surveillance in the public health system
Operchuk N.I.1
1 Donetsk National Medical University, Kropyvnytskyi
Objective. The purpose of this study was to determine the features of information and analytical support in the conduct of epidemiological surveillance in the system of public health institutions.
Methods. The research was performed on the basis of the following methods: dialectical - to determine the essence of information and analytical support of public health institutions; functional, comparative analysis - to analyze the activities of the State Institution "Kirovohrad Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine"; model, integrated approaches - to develop a model of information and analytical support for the activities of public health institutions and measures for its implementation in practice; methods of statistical analysis - to determine the features of research on environmental objects and the dynamics of infectious diseases.
Results and discussion. A study of the functioning of public health institutions, in particular the Kirovohrad Regional Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, identified general areas for development and implementation to improve public health.
Conclusions : In the process of improving the information and analytical support of the activities of epidemiological surveillance institutions in the public health system, its key aspects of development were presented. More detailed solutions to public health problems were suggested. Tasks have been formulated to improve the information and analytical support of the activities of epidemiological surveillance institutions in the public health system. It is established that all these aspects, which are related to improving the information and analytical function of public health institutions, for full use must be integrated into a single automated system with the creation and maintenance of information databases and information exchange functions, including real time. The structure of the model of information and analytical support for the activities of public health institutions has been developed. The main elements of the information-analytical system of epidemiological surveillance institutions in the public health system should be: databases of necessary information, system of indicators of public health, state of the environment, data processing system, communication system, transmission, information protection, system forecasting changes in public health indicators, the base of standard management decisions in certain circumstances (combinations of indicators), equipped with digital user workstations.
public health system, information and analytical support, epidemiological surveillance
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