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ą 3 (112), 2024


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ISSN 2077-7477 (Print)
ISSN 2077-7485 (Online)

A journal "Dovkillia ta zdorovia" (Environment & Health) publishes the articles on the problems in the field of medical ecology, hygiene, health protection and ecological safety.

Founder of the Journal:
State Institution "O.M. Marzeiev Institute for Hygiene and Medical Ecology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine"

Frequency of publication:

Environment & HealthISSN: 2077-7477 eISSN: 2077-7485
No: 1 (98)   -   2021   -   Pages: 71-79
Scientific legacy of DR. Henry Mosing (In commemoration of the 110thanniversary of his birthday)
Kuzminov B.P.1, Sahaidakovskyi M.M.1, Smolnytska V. L.1
1 Research Institute for Epidemiology and Hygiene, Lviv National Danylo Halytskyi Medical University

ÓÄĘ: 61 (092) : 579.88

On the basis of the analysis of the scientific works and archival and documentary materials, the authors studied the history of the scientific legacy of G.S. Mosing, the outstanding epidemiologist of the twentieth century. The study of aetiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture and treatment of epidemic typhus is presented in the scientist’s works. Dr. G. Mosing developed the effective system of antiepidemic measures aimed at the complete elimination of this disease.

G.S. Mosing, typhus, aetiology, clinical picture, treatment, system of antiepidemic measures.
1. Zinsser H. Rats, lice and history. London : George Routledge &Sons Ltd ; 1935 : 301p. DOI : https://doi.org/10.1097/00000446-193506000-00044
2. Lukin E.P. K 100-letiyu otkrytiya vozbuditelya epidemicheskogo sypnogo tifa – Rickettsia Prowazekii» (H. DA ROCHA LIMA. 1916). Vernetsya li sypnoy tif v Rossiyu i Evropu [To the 100th Anniversary of the Discovery of the Causative Agent of Epidemic Typhus - Rickettsia Prowazekii(H. DA ROCHA LIMA, 1916). Will Typhus Return to Russia and Europe? ]. Zhurnal infektologii. 2015 ; 7 (3) : 5 -21 (in Russian).
3. Chzanowski B.and Mosing H. Sur l’emploi des rickettssiades crottes des poux pour la vaccination contre le typhus exanthématiǫue. Archives de l’Institut Pasteur de Tunis. 1933 ; XXII : 346–349 (in French).
4. Mosing H. Rickettsiaemia Weigli. Polska Gazeta Lekarska. 1935 ; XIV (1) : 8–11 (in Polish).
5. Mosing H. Badania nad epidemią wywołaną przez nowy typ Rickettsii: «RickettsiaWeigli». Medycyna doświadczalna i spoleczna. 1936 ; XXI (3–4) : 218–251(in Polish).
6. Mosing H. Une nouvelle infection a Rickettsia. RickettsiaWeigli nov. spec. Archives de l’Institut Pasteur de Tunis. 1936 ; XXV (3–4) : 373–387 (in French).
7. Mosing H. Recherches épidemiologiques sur le typhus exanthématiqueen Pologne. Bulletin Mensuel de l’Office International d’Hygiéne Publique. 1937 ; XXIX : 708–714 (in French).
8. Mosing H. Badania epidemiologiczne i serologiczne nad durem plamistym. Medycyna Doświadczalna i Spoleczna. 1937 ; XXII (5–6) ; 393–425(in Polish).
9. Mosing H. Badania epidemiolgiczne i doświadezalne nad tyfusem plamistym. Pamiętnik XV. Zjazdu Lekarzy i Przyrodników Polskich we Lwowie. 1939 : 428–429 (in Polish).
10. Mosing H. and Radlo P. Le typhus éxanthématique en Pologne. Bulletin Mensuel del’Office International d’Hygiene Publique. 1938 ; XXX (8) : 1716 (in French).
11. Mosing H. La vacctination contre le typhus et autres fievres exanthematiques par virus. Acta Conventus Tertii de Tropicis Morbis. Amsterdam ; 1938 (in French).
12. Mosing H. Neuere Ergebnisse der Fünftage Fieber Forsehung (Disputatio ref.). Acta Conventus Tertii de Tropicis Morbis. Amsterdam ;1938 ;1 : P. 575 (in German).
13. Mosing H. Badania epidemiolgiczne nad tyfusem plamistym. Medycyna doswiadczalna i spoteczna. 1938 ; XXIII : 5–6 (in Polish).
14. Mosing H. Zagadnienie duru plamistego w Polscew chwili obecnej. Praca i opieka spoteczna. 1938 ; XVIII (2) :181–187 (in Polish).
15. Mosing H. and Radlo P. Epidemiolgia duru osutkowego. Zdrowie Publiczne.1938 ; LIII (7) : 637–682 (in Polish).
16. Mosing H. and Radlo P. Epidemiolgia duru osutkowego. Zdrowie Publiczne. 1938 ; LIII (8) : 743–769 (in Polish).
17. Mosing H. Szkoła i dziecko w epidemiologii duru osutkowego ł jegozwalczaniĺ. Pediatria Polska. 1938 ; XVII (5) : 294–298 (in Polish).
18. Mosing H. Z epidemiologii duru plamistego. Lekarz wojskowy. 1939 ; XXXIII : 305–317 (in Polish).
19. Mosing G.S. Zabolevaniya sypnym tifom u privitykh : doklad na konf. po rikketsiozam, dekabr 1945 g., g. Moskva [Diseases of Typhus in the Vaccinated: Report at the Conference on Rickettsioses, December 1945, Moscow]. Vrachebnoe delo. 1948 ; 4 : 285 (in Russian).
20. Mosing H. Tyfus plamisty u osób szczepionych. Sprawozdania z czynności i posiedzeń Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności. 1946 ; XLVII(9) : 334–336 (in Polish).
21. Mosing H. Metody oceny wartości szczepionki przeciw tyfusowi plamistemu.Sprawozdania z Ńzynności i Posiedzeń Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności. 1946 ; XLVII (9) : 336 (in Polish).
22. Weigl R. and Mosing H. Uodpornienie człowieka przeciw durowi osutkowemu według kombinowanej metody Weigla. Po wakcynacji szczepionką Weigla, następowe zakażenie zarazkiem żywym. Sprawozdania z Czynności i Posiedzeń Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności. 1946 ; XLVII (6) : 223–226 (in Polish).
23. Mosing G.S. Metody opredeleniya antigennykh svoystv sypnotifoznoy vaktsiny [Methods for the Determination of the Antigenic Properties of Typhoid Vaccine]. Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii, infektologii. 1946 ; 5 : 64–68 (in Russian).
24. Mosing H. Methods of evaluation of typhus vaccine potency. Texas Reports on Biology and Medicine. 1947 ; 5 (2) : 173–176 (in Russian).
25. Mosing G.S. Issledovaniye nad deystviyem DDT na vshey : materialy Lvovskogo IEMG [Study on the DDT Effect on Lice: Proceedings of the Lvov IEMG ]. Lvov ; 1947: 40 p. (in Russian).
26. Mosing G.S. Issledovaniye po etiologii i epidemiologii okopnoy likhoradki (febris quintana) [Study on the Aetiology and Epidemiology of Trench Fever (febris quintana)]. In : Materialy doklada V Ukrainskogo syezda gigiyenistov epidemiologov, mikrobiologov i infektsionistov. Kiev, 30 sentyabrya – 6 oktyabrya, 1948 g. : tezisy dokladov [Proceedings of the V Ukrainian Congress of Hygienists, Epidemiologists, Microbiologists and Infectionists]. Kiev ; 1948 :165–166 (in Russian).
27. Mosing G.S. Epidemiologiya sypnogo tifa. Itogi 20-letnikh issledovaniy [Epidemiology of Typhus. Results of 20Years’ Research]. Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii, infektologii.1952 ; 2 : 44–56 (in Russian).
28. Mosing G.S. Pyatidnevnaya (transheynaya ili volynskaya likhoradka i paroksizmalnyy rikketsioz : diss. … d-ra med. nauk (mashinopis na pravakh rukopisi v 3 chastyakh) [Five-Day Trench or Volyn Fever and Paroxysmal Rickettsiosis : Dr. Med. Diss. (typescript on the rights of the manuscript in 3 parts)]. Lvov Institute of Epidemiology, Microbiology and Hygiene. Lvov ; 1954 : 476 p. (in Russian).
29. Mosing G.S. Nekotoryye voprosy epidemiologii sypnogo tifa [Some Issues of Typhus Epidemiology]. Voprosy virusologii.1956 ; 4 : 3–9 (in Russian).
30. Mosing G.S. Znacheniye reaktsii agglyutinatsii s rikketsiyami Provacheka v izuchenii sypnotifoznykh zabolevaniy [The Significance of Agglutination Reaction with Rickettsia Prowazekiiin the Study of Typhoid Diseases]. In : Konferentsiya po diagnostike sypnogo tifa. Lvov 22–24 iyunya 1955 g.: tezisy dokladov [Conference on the Diagnosis of Typhus, Lvov June 22-24, 1955: Abstracts]. Lvov Institute of Epidemiology, Microbiology and Hygiene. Lvov ; 1955 : 3–4 (in Russian).
31. Mosing G.S., Serkov S.G. and Sinyak Ę.Ě. Znacheniye reaktsii agglyutinatsii rikketsiy Provacheka pri epidemiologicheskikh issledovaniyakh i poiskakh istochnikov infektsii pri zabolevaniyakh sypnym tifom [The Significance of Rickettsia Prowazekii Agglutination Reaction atthe Epidemiological Studies andSearch ofthe Sources of Infection in Cases of Typhus]. In : Konferentsiya po diagnostike sypnogo tifa. Lvov 22–24 iyunya 1955 g.: tezisy dokladov [Conference on the Diagnosis of Typhus, Lviv June 22-24, 1955: Abstracts]. Lvov Institute of Epidemiology, Microbiology and Hygiene. Lvov ;1955 : 19–20 (in Russian).
32. Mosing G.S. and Chertoganova I.S. Reaktsiya Veylya-Feliksa i reaktsiya agglyutinatsii rikketsiy Provacheka pri nesypnotifoznykh i neyasnykh zabolevaniyakh [The Weil-Felix Reaction and the Agglutination Reaction of Rickettsia Prowazekiiin Cases of Non-Typhoid and Unclear Diseases]. In : Konferentsiya po diagnostike sypnogo tifa. Lvov 22–24 iyunya 1955 g.: tezisy dokladov [Conference on the Diagnosis of Typhus, Lvov, June 22-24, 1955: Abstracts]. Lvov Institute of Epidemiology, Microbiology and Hygiene. Lvov ; 1955 : 15–16 (in Russian).
33. Kompantsev N.F. and Mosing G.S. Analiz zabolevayemosti sypnym tifom po USSR v 1957 g. i meropriyatiya po dalneyshemu snizheniyu zabolevayemosti [Analysis of Typhus Incidence in the Ukrainin SSR in 1957 and Measures for Further Reduction of the Incidence]. In : Operativnoye soveshchaniye po sypnomu tifu i rikketsiozam (Lvov, 28–31 maya 1958 g.) : tezisy dokladov [Operational Meeting on Typhus and Rickettsioses (Lvov, May 28–31, 1958): Abstracts]. Lvov Institute of Epidemiology, Microbiology and Hygiene. Lvov ; 1958 : 3–4 (in Russian).
34. Mosing G.S. Voprosy epidemiologii sypnogo tifa [Issues of Typhus Epidemiology]. In : Operativnoye soveshchaniye po sypnomu tifu i rikketsiozam (Lvov, 28–31 maya 1958 g.) : tezisy dokladov [Operational Meeting on Typhus and Rickettsioses (Lvov, May 28–31, 1958): Abstracts]. Lvov Institute of Epidemiology, Microbiology and Hygiene. Lvov ; 1958 : 20–21 (in Russian).
35. Mosing G.S. Znacheniye reaktsii agglyutinatsii rikketsiy Provacheka v izuchenii sypnotifoznykh zabolevaniy [The Significance of Rickettsia Prowazekii Agglutination Reaction in the Study of Typhoid Diseases]. In : Operativnoye soveshchaniye po sypnomu tifu i rikketsiozam (Lvov, 28–31 maya 1958 g.) : tezisy dokladov [Operational Meeting on Typhus and Rickettsioses (Lvov, May 28–31, 1958): Abstracts]. Lvov Institute of Epidemiology, Microbiology and Hygiene. Lvov ;1958 : 14–16 (in Russian).
36. Mosing G.S. Pytannia likvidatsii vysypnotyfoznykh zakhvoriuvan [Issues of Elimination of Typhoid Diseases]. In : VI zizd hihiienistiv, epidemiolohiv ta infektsionistiv Ukrainskoi RSR: tezy dopovidei [VI Congress of Hygienists, Epidemiologists and Infectionists of the Ukrainian SSR: Abstracts ]. Kyiv ; 1959 : P.193 (in Ukrainian).
37. Mosing H. Du role du pou dens l’étude du typhus exanthématique. Resultata de recherches sur l’épidémiologie de cette infection. Archives de l’institut Pasteur de Tunis. 1960 ; 37 : 135–158 (in French).
38. Mosing G.S. Likvidatsiya epidemiologicheskogo sypnogo tifa v USSR [The Elimination of Epidemiological Typhus in the Ukrainian SSR]. In : IX Mezhdunarodnyy kongress po mikrobiologii. Moskva, 24–30 iyulya 1966 g.: tezisy dokladov [IX International Congress on Microbiology, Moscow, July 24–30, 1966: Abstracts]. Ěoscow : Meditsina ; 1966 : P. 718 (in Russian).
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