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¹ 2 (111), 2024


Edition of the journal is supported partially by the grant of the Fogarty International Center (FIC) of the National Institute of Health and Illinois University, Chicago.


ISSN 2077-7477 (Print)
ISSN 2077-7485 (Online)

A journal "Dovkillia ta zdorovia" (Environment & Health) publishes the articles on the problems in the field of medical ecology, hygiene, health protection and ecological safety.

Founder of the Journal:
State Institution "O.M. Marzeiev Institute for Hygiene and Medical Ecology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine"

Frequency of publication:

Environment & HealthISSN: 2077-7477 eISSN: 2077-7485
No: 4 (89)   -   December, 2018   -   Pages: 58-67
From the occupational hygiene department of Kyiv medical institute to the department of hygiene and ecology ¹ 2 of National O. Bohomolets medical university: scientific and educational priorities for 95 years (1923-2018)
Yavorovskyi O.P.1, Paustovskyi Yu.O.1, Nikitiuk A.A.1, Zenkina V.I.1, Honcharuk G.A.1, Veremei M.I.1, Shkurko G.A.1, Solokha N.V.1, Brukhno R.P.1, Zinchenko T.A.1, Marchenko M.L.1, Kuiun L.A.1, Holubchikova T.V.1
1 O.O. Bohomolets National Medical University, Kyiv

ÓÄÊ: 001 : 378.4 : 37.093 : 61(09) : 613(09) : 613.6(477-25)

The history of the formation of the Department of Occupational Hygiene and Occupational Diseases since its creation (1923) to the transfer to the sanitary-and-hygienic building of KMI, specially designed and constructed in the late 1960's - the early 1970's, is described in the article. During that period, professors V.Ya. Pidhaetskyi (1923-1929), V.O. Lebedev (1930-1941), L.I. Medved (1943- 1952), G.Kh. Shakhbazian (1952-1972) were the chairs of the Department. Attention was focused on the foreground issues of the scientific research and educational activities carried out in different years. The contribution of the Department to the training of the preventive doctors and the development of the occupational health safety as a science is outlined. The role of the scientists of the Department in the creation of the regulatory-and-legal framework for the sanitary-and-epidemiological service is emphasized.

îccupational hygiene, vital functions’ safety, foundations of bioethics and biosafety, occupational health in medical sphere, historical periods, experimental, clinical, and statistical research, hygienic regulations, normative-and-methodical documents, monographs, educational plans, curriculums, textbooks, manuals.
1. Kafedra gigieny truda [Department of Occupational Health]. In : 125 let Kievskomu meditsinskomu institutu [125 Years of Kyiv Medical Institute]. Kiev : Zdorovia ; 1966 : 117-120 (in Russian).
2. Kafedra gigieny truda [Department of Occupational Health ]. In : 150 let Kievskomu meditsinskomu institutu [150 Years of Kyiv Medical Institute]. Kiev : Zdorovia ; 1991 : 194-196 (in Russian).
3. Medyko-profilaktychni kafedry [Medico-Preventive Department ]. In : 160 rokiv Natsionalnomu medychnomu universytetu imeni O.O. Bohomoltsia [160 Years of National O.O.Bohomolets Medical University]. Kyiv : Stolittia ; 2001 : 267-308 (in Ukrainian).
4. Yavorovskyi O.P., Shevchenko À.Ì., Honcharuk H.Î., Shvaiko ².². and Parpalei ².Î. Dovkillia ta zdorovia. 1998 ; 2(5) : 56-60 (in Ukrainian).
5. Yavorovskyi Î.P., Shevtsova V.Ì., Honcharuk H.Î., Tkachyshyn V.S., Veremei Ì.²., Zenkina V.²., Paustovskyi Yu.O., Shkurko H.À. and Suk V.H. Dovkillia ta zdorovia. 2014 ; 1 : 70-78 (in Ukrainian).
6. Yavorovskyi Î.P. and Parpalei ².Î. Kafedra hihiieny pratsi I ptofesiinykh zakhvoriuvan NMU imeni O.O. Bohomoltsia – shkola vitchyznianykh vchenykh-hihiienistiv ta likariv-profilaktykiv [Department of Occupational Health and Occupational Diseases of the National O.O. Bohomolets Medical University - School of Domestic Hygienists and Prophylaxis Doctors]. In : Priorytetni problemy hihiieny pratsi, profesiinoi ta vyrobnycho-zumovlenoi zakhvoriuvanosti v Ukraini : mater. konf. [Foreground Problems of the Occupational Health and Occupational Diseases in Ukraine : Mater. Conf. Commemorating the 85-th Anniversary of the Department of Occupational Health and Occupational Diseases of the National O.O. Bohomolets Medical University and 120-th Anniversary of Prof. V.Ya.Pidhaietskyi]. Kyiv ; 2008 : 20-36 (in Ukrainian).
7. Pidhaietskyi V.Ya. Z zhyttia Kyivskoho medychnoho instytutu za 1923-1929 rr. [From the Life of Kyiv Medical Institute. Activity of the Department of Occupational Health of Kyiv Medical Institute for 1923-1929]. Ukrainski medychni visti. 1929 ; 4-6 : 183-187 (in Ukrainian).
8. Yavorovskyi Î.P. Ukrainskyi zhurnal z problem medytsyny pratsi. 2006 ; 2 : 83-90 (in Ukrainian).
9. Yavorovskyi Î.P. Naukovyi visnyk Natsionalnoho medychnoho universytetu imeni O.O. Bohomoltsia. 2006 ; 3 : 234-240 (in Ukrainian).
10. Yavorovskyi Î.P. Ukrainskyi zhurnal z problem medytsyny pratsi. 2007 ; 3 : 96-102 (in Ukrainian).
11. Yavorovskyi Î.P. Ukrainskyi zhurnal z problem medytsyny pratsi. 2006 ; 4 (8) : 78-87 (in Ukrainian).
12. Yavorovskyi Î.P. and Sakharchuk ².Ì. Dovkillia ta zdorovia. 2007 ; 2 (41) : 75-78 (in Ukrainian).
13. Yavorovskyi Î.P., Kundiiev Yu.². and Sakharchuk ².Ì. Naukovyi visnyk Natsionalnoho ahrarnoho universytetu. 2007 ; 105 : 349-358 (in Ukrainian).
14. Yavorovskyi Î.P. Vyrobnychyi travmatyzm I shliakhy yoho profilaktyky v silskomu hospodarstvi Ukrainy na pochatku XX stolittia [Industrial Traumatism and Ways of its Prevention in the Agriculture of Ukraine at the Beginning of the 20-th Century]. Visnyk Natsionalnoho naukovo-doslisnoho instytutu ohorony pratsi. 2006 ; 17 : 30-39 (in Ukrainian).
15. Yavorovskyi Î.P. and Sakharchuk ².Ì. Mykola Kudrutskyi. Likar. Pedahoh. Vchenyi [Mykola Kudrutskyi. Doctor. Pedagogue. Scientist]. Cherkasy : MAKLAUT ; 2009 : 156 p. (in Ukrainian).
16. Yavorovskyi Î.P., Tsekhmister Ya.V. and Sakharchuk ².Ì. Istoriia stanovlennia sanitarno-hihiienichnoho fakultetu KMI yak shkoly hromadskoho zdorovia v Ukraini. 1841-1941 : Do 175-richchia Natsionalnoho medychnoho universytetu im. O.O. Bohomoltsia [History of the Formation of Sanitary-and-Hygienic Faculty of Kyiv Medical Institute as a School of Public Health in Ukraine. 1841-1941 : To the 175-th Anniversary of National O.O. Bohomolets Medical University]. Êyiv : Avitsena ; 2016 : 200 p. (in Ukrainian).
17. Trakhtenberg ².Ì. Chvert storichchia u stinakh ridnoi kafedry (nebaiduzhi notatky) [A Quarter of a Century within the Precincts of Native Department (Non-Indifferent Notes) ]. In : Priorytetni problemy hihiieny pratsi, profesiinoi ta vyrobnycho-zumovlenoi zakhvoriuvanosti v Ukraini : mater. konf. [Foreground Problems of the Occupational Health and Occupational Diseases in Ukraine : Mater. Conf. Commemorating the 85-th Anniversary of the Department of Occupational Health and Occupational Diseases of the National O.O. Bohomolets Medical University and 120-th Anniversary of Prof. V.Ya. Pidhaietskyi]. Kyiv ; 2008 : 44-65 (in Ukrainian).
18. Kundiiev Yu.I. Slovo pro profesora M.K. Vitte [A Word about Professor M.K.Vitte]. In : Priorytetni problemy hihiieny pratsi, profesiinoi ta vyrobnycho-zumovlenoi zakhvoriuvanosti v Ukraini : mater. konf. [Foreground Problems of the Occupational Health and Occupational Diseases in Ukraine : Mater. Conf. Commemorating the 85-th Anniversary of the Department of Occupational Health and Occupational Diseases of the National O.O. Bohomolets Medical University and 120-th Anniversary of Prof. V.Ya. Pidhaietskyi]. Kyiv ; 2008 : 36-44 (in Ukrainian).
19. Lebedev V.A. Otravleniia rtutiu v promyshlennosti I mery borby s nimi: po materialam kievskikh predpriiatii: diss. … kand. med. nauk [Mercury Poisoning in Industry and Measures to Combat them : Based on the Materials of Kiev Enterprises: Diss. Cand. Med. Sci.] Kiev ; 1945 : 89 – 91 (in Russian).
20. Medved L.I. Toksikolohiia nekotorykh orhanicheskikh soedinenii rtuti (etilmerkurkhlorid I etilmerkurfosfat) : avtoref. Diss. [Toxicology of Some Organic Compounds of Mercury (Ethyl Mercuric Chloride and Ethyl Mercuric Phosphate) : Diss. Abstract]. Cheliabinsk (Russia) ; 1944 (in Russian).
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