Environment & Health | ISSN: 2077-7477 eISSN: 2077-7485 |
No: 2 (91) - June, 2019 - Pages: 74-79
From the occupational hygienedepartment of the Kiev medical institute to the department of hygiene and ecology 2 of Bogomolets National medical university: scientific and educational priorities for 95 years (1923-2018 years)
Yavorovsky A.P.1, Paustovsky Yu.A.1, Nikitiuk A.A.1, Shevtsova V.M.1, Zenkina V.I.1, Honcharuk G.A.1, Veremei M.I.1, Shkurko G.A.1, Solokha N.V.1, BrukhnoR.P.1, Zinchenko T.A.1, Marchenko M.L.1, Kuiun L.A.1, Holubchikova T.V.1
1 O.O. Bohomolets National Medical University, Kyiv
ÓÄÊ: 001:378.4:37.093:61(09):613(09):613.6(477-25)
ThearticlecontainscoveredtheDepartmentofOccupationalHealthandOccupationalDiseasesdevelopmentperiodfromthe time of its foundation (1923) until today. During that period, the heads of the chair were A.M. Shevchenko (1972-1993) and A.P. Yavorovsky (from 1993 to the present day). Attention is focused on the changes in the educational activity and training of the staff of preventive doctors in the last twenty years have been characterized, especially those that are conditioned by the reform of the sanitary epidemiological service and the inclusion in the curricula and programs of new disciplines - "Life Safety, Bases of Bioethics and Biosafety", "Occupational Health and safety in the healthcare sector».
Occupational hygiene, Life safety, Occupational Health and safety in the healthcare sector, historical periods, Hygienic, experimental, clinical and statistical research, hygienic regulations, normative and methodical documents, monographs, educational plan, curriculum, textbooks, manuals
1. Parpalei ².Î., Yavorovskyi Î.P., Tkachyshyn V.S. and Stupak F.Ya. Nam ¯ 55 rokiv: istoriia vykladannia dystsypliny “Profesiini khvoroby” v Natsionalnomu medychnomu universyteti imeni O.O. Bohomoltsia [We are 55: History of the Teaching of the Discipline “Occupational diseases” at the National O.O. Bohomolets Medical University]. Kyiv ; 2016 : 51p. (in Ukrainian).
2. Yavorovskyi Î.P. Akademik Yevhen Hnatovych Honcharuk. Naukovi priorytety u profilaktychnii medytsyni [Academician Yevhen Hnatovych Honcharuk. Scientific Priorities in the Preventive Medicine]. Kyiv : Avitsenna ; 2015 : 231 p. (in Ukrainian).
3. Kundiiev Yu.²., Yavorovskyi Î.P., Shevchenko À.Ì. et al. Hihiiena pratsi. Pidruchnyk [Occupational Hygiene. Manual]. Kyiv : Medytsyna ; 2011 : 903 p. (in Ukrainian).
4. Moskalenko V.F. and Yavorovskyi Î.P. Shevchenko Andrii Musiiovych. Storinky zhyttia ta tvorchoi diialnosti [Shevchenko Andrii Musiiovych. Pages of Life and Creative Activity : Monograph]. Cherkasy (Ukraine) ; 2009 : 213 p. (in Ukrainian).
5. Kundiiev Yu.²., Yavorovskyi Î.P., Parii V.D. and Sakharchuk ².Ì. Dolia rodyny represovanoho vchenoho-hihiienista [The Fate of the Family of the Repressed Scientist-Hygienist]. Zhytomyr (Ukraine) : Polissia ; 2009 : 110 p. (in Ukrainian).
6. Yavorovskyi Î.P. and Sakharchuk ².Ì. Mykola Kudrytskyi. Likar. Pedahoh. Vchenyi [Mykola Kudrytskyi. Doctor. Pedagogue. Scientist]. Cherkasy (Ukraine) : MAKLAUT ; 2009 : 156 p. (in Ukrainian).
7. Kundiiev Yu.²., Yavorovskyi Î.P., Parii V.D. and Sakharchuk ².Ì. Volodymyr Pidhaietskyi: Povernennia iz zabuttia [Volodymyr Pidhaietskyi: Return from Oblivion. 1889-1937 ]. Zhytomyr (Ukraine) : Polissia ; 2008 : 324 p. (in Ukrainian).